A Snapshot: Valuations of Non-Compete Agreements

A Snapshot: Valuations of Non-Compete Agreements

A Snapshot: Valuations of Non-Compete Agreements In today’s competitive business landscape, non-compete agreements have become increasingly common. These legal contracts restrict employees, business partners, or sell-side entities from engaging in competitive activities for a specified duration and within a defined…

 Valuation of Blockchain Companies

Valuation of Blockchain Companies

A Deep Dive into the Valuation of Blockchain Companies Valuation of Blockchain Companies – Introduction In recent years, blockchain technology has emerged as a disruptive force across various industries, revolutionizing the way business transactions are conducted. From finance and supply…

 Contributory Asset Charges (CACs)

Contributory Asset Charges (CACs)

Importance of Contributory Asset Charges (CACs) in Valuation What are Contributory Assets Charges (CAC)? In the realm of financial reporting, understanding Contributory Asset Charges is essential for the accurate and transparent valuation of intangible assets in a business combination. When…

 Non-Convertible Debentures

Non-Convertible Debentures

Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) & their Valuation Methods What are Non-Convertible Debentures? Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) are essentially a type of debt instrument that offers a fixed return to the investor with a specified repayment timeline and cannot be converted into equity.…